Sandy Point Newsletter: Feb 2022

Dear Home Owner

  1. We have finally received our financials from the auditors and I am presenting these together with the budgets to the trustees on Monday 14th February 2022. I will then be sending out the financials, budgets, agenda and other items for your perusal and comment. A notice will be sent out before month end for the date of the AGM.
  1. There will be a significant number of home owners who will be building this year, and I ask you all kindly to adhere to the rules and procedures as set out in our documents, to ensure a happy and harmonious building experience for all including neighbours fellow residents.
  1. There have been reports of mole activity in the admiralty area. I have met with our Environmental consultant, and he advises that we may not interfere with these animals as they form part of the ecological activity which is protected under conservation law. However, if they start invading your private property, you are entitled to apply the relevant pellets/repellents to chase them away from your structures.
  1. The have been a number of petty theft of late which has been mainly of building sites. We have made provisions for additional security services to be implemented in the new year budget to help curb this activity.
  1. All our attempts last year fell on deaf ears with continued promises of investigations, actions and reports regarding the situation in the harbour and the squatters. We have finally made contact with DEADP and the Green Scorpions to intervene on our behalf and hope they will make things happen. We have also engaged the DA to assist in getting some action. We will keep you informed of any worthwhile action taking place.

May this year be a very happy and successful year for all of us and may you, you family and friends remain safe and healthy.
