After a year of much activity on building sites, welcoming many new home owners, experiencing rolling blackouts courtesy of ESKOM, we find ourselves again entering the festive season with the promise of fun and relaxation. With the growth in numbers of residents in the Estate, it is an opportunity to meet new neighbours, make new friends and explore our village which is growing at a great speed.
The Trustees and Staff of the HOA send out best wishes to you and your families, wherever you may be, however far you may travel. May this holiday be a special time to enjoy and share.
There are some new items which we would like to share:
We welcome Selwyn Brickles as a new addition to our team. Selwyn has taken responsibility of our contractors sites to ensure compliance and good conduct by all who are building. Selwyn, we welcome you and wish you a long and happy stay with us!
We encourage you to make sure your homes are registered with a security company, and to be conscious of leaving valuables unattended in your gardens and surrounds. Be safe and vigilant against vagrants and report any suspicious traflc to the security company on site or the police
Please be reminded that if you are planning to visit the Estate, you must get your cell phone registered with Elizabeth at the Admin Oflce, so as to allow you access to the Estate. The Gates work on a cell phone access system and each Plot/ home owner is allowed to register 2 cell phone numbers from which they can call the gate for access. Call Elizabeth on 084 589 1718 before 20th December to get your numbers registered. Please Note that we will not be loading any new numbers on to the system between 23rd December and 9th January 2023.
For the owners who are thinking of visiting, the village itself has shown growth not only with the number of residents building and moving in, but also with some additional commercial activity. There are some new shops for you to browse through and taste their offerings …. West Coast style!!
We have recently hosted our AGM where we discussed the introduction of some new projects to be implemented in the new year.
- Boardwalks – we will be undertaking to install boardwalks in the areas where the council has approved this. This process will take a few years. In the meantime, please use the 3 main boardwalks (on the east, the west and centre) of the Estate to access the beach. We will cordon off the damaged boardwalks to prevent public access on those.
- Road verges (sidewalks) – We will also start to install pathways on the sidewalks so that pedestrians can walk safely and not in the street when walking through the estate. Our Aesthetics committee will be drafting guidelines regarding the landscaping of your sidewalk, so please consult them for guidance before you invest in plants and décor.
- Security – we have received a budget to implement better security for 2023, but this will only happen in the new financial year.
It seems that there is more and more frequent shut downs or breakages happening in various areas of the village. This will result in unexpected blackouts until Eskom can attend to whatever has gone wrong. We will monitor and follow up as much as possible with Eskom, but please prepare yourselves as much as you are able for these inconvenient events.
In the meantime, if you have any concerns or want to make a positive contribution, please email Kevin on and he will respond to you soonest.
Please take note of the following notices which pertain to the festive season: BUILDING TIMES:
As per our Guidelines and conduct rules, no building or construction is to take place during the builder’s holidays. These holidays are traditionally from mid-December to mid-January. This year the Board has decided that the holiday period will be from 15th December 2022 – 16th January 2023. No contractors, sub-contractors or deliveries of building materials will be permitted during this time. Your cooperation in this regard will be much appreciated. If you have any queries, please contact Selwyn who is in charge of our building site monitoring
Please ensure that you keep your refuse inside your property until Thursday mornings. Alternatively, you can deliver excess refuse to the municipal dumps any day of the week.
The stretch of beach on our Estate is by law available to the general public, and they are entitled to gain access through our pedestrian gate behind the Admin Block. We have asked our Security company to assist in monitoring illegal behaviour such as making fires, riding any vehicle, and consuming alcohol on the beach. We ask that if you observe any such behaviour, please do not approach the offending parties yourselves, but rather contact Singita Security or the Local Police to attend to the matter. The relevant numbers are:
- SINGITA SECURITY – 081 269 6600
- LOCAL POLICE – 022 736 8060
Our dams in the Western Cape are not as full as they should be, so we request that you be responsible and use water wisely. The West Coast region does not get the rainfall of other regions so we encourage our fellow residents and visitors to maintain the water saving activities. If you spot a leaking pipe (water department) or misuse of this resource (law enforcement department), please report to the Council on 022 701 7000.
The admin oflce will be closed from 15th December 2022 – 16th January 2023. Should you have any queries or urgent issues that need to be attended to please call Selwyn by 14th December so that he has time to assist you.
If you wish to consult Leonard on our guidelines or seek approvals on plans, please contact him before 15th December 2022. His oflce will be closed from 15th December 2022 and re-opens on 9th January 2023.
- ELIZABETH – 084 589 1718
- SELWYN – 073 157 2573
- LEONARD – 073 144 5786
From the desk of the Chairman and Board of Trustees